Welcome to Riverside Cemetery!

To ensure everyone's visit results in a positive experience, the following policies are provided for your information.


The cemetery grounds are open to the public from dawn to dusk, Sunday thru Saturday and everyone is welcome.

Please respect the quiet and good order of the grounds.

Dogs, under the control of their owner, are allowed on the cemetery grounds. All excrement must be picked up and removed by the owner.

Please be considerate of all funeral services. Refrain from any activity that might distract or be an interruption to the proceedings.

Visitors are forbidden to cut, pick, or remove flowers, plants, or other grave decorations.

Defacing a monument, columbarium, memory/remembrance wall, structure, or other cemetery property is prohibited and may result in a criminal complaint.

Floral Arrangements

Flowers and arrangements are welcomed. Glass receptacles are not permitted.

Artificial flowers are highly discouraged and will be removed and discarded when they interfere with grounds maintenance without prior notice to the plot holder.

Articles placed to commemorate Memorial Day will be removed and discarded on or around the Monday following the holiday without prior notice to the plot holder.

The cemetery manager will have sole discretion as to when any grave arrangement or decoration is to be removed.

At no time will the cemetery association be responsible for the care, preservation, or safekeeping of natural or artificial arrangements or decorations.

Location info

Open Dawn - Dusk
1305 SW 7th Ave. Albany, OR 97321

Mailing Address:
PO Box 687 Albany, OR 97321

Contact us


Donations may be sent to:

Albany Riverside Cemetery
PO Box 687 Albany, OR 97321